- It provides locking that can be angled thanks to the ball joint.
- Provides 360° rotation.
- Schanz screws can be sent in different angled plans thanks to the angled clamps.
- It provides easy reduction thanks to its double ball-joint structure.
- The ball-joint structure can be tightened or loosened with a 4.0 mm L-Allen key.
- Suitable for extra-articular or transarticular external fixation technique.
- It is used with 3 mm and 4 mm schanz screws.
- Partial osteotomy of distal radius deformity; Acute correction of the blank by filling with a graft or gradual correction of the blank with callus by performing a hemicallotasis osteotomy,
- Distal radius and/or ulna fractures, unstable intra-articular distal radius fractures (by fixation of fracture fragments with other implants),
- It is used in extra-articular distal radius and shaft fractures, ulna fractures.
Fixator length options: 170 mm | 195 mm | 230 mm